scalar coupling meaning in Chinese
- When the isotropic waveguide is under the isotropic disturbances , the coupling term due to polarization , which is presented in the coupled - mode theory of the wei - ping huang , is n ' t included in this rigorous vectorial coupled - mode theory , exactly , the rigorous vectorial cmt does n ' t contain the coupling term due to polarization which is include in the scalar coupled - mode theory because this term is counteracted with the other coupling term neglected under weakly guiding approximation . as for anisotropic disturbances , we get the coupled - mode equations with arbitrary dielectric tensors . from them , we obtain the coupled - mode equations of the slowly varying term c ( z ) which is more simplicity
当受到各向同性微扰时,我们发现严格的矢量理论所得到的耦合系数表达式中并不包括wei - pinghuang的理论中的偏振耦合项,更确切的说,偏振耦合项正好与因弱导近似而忽略的项相抵消,这就是标量理论所得到结果(有偏振耦合项)与矢量理论在标量近似下的结果(不含偏振耦合项)不一致的原因所在;当各向异性微扰时,我们得到了包含微扰介电张量各个分量的横电磁场耦合波方程,讨论了微扰介电张量各个分量对耦合的影响,而且从横电磁场耦合波方程出发得到了形式更加简单的只含有横电场系数的缓变分量c _ ( z )的耦合波方程和耦合系数表达式,并以弱导近似下的单模光纤两正交偏振模耦合为例对耦合系数在不同条件下的取舍做了定性的分析。